By using our car rental services, you agree to abide by the following:

Haste Car Rental Company (Herein after the Company) shall transfer the Vehicle (hereinafter the Vehicle), and the Customer shall take a temporary hold and responsibility of said Vehicle according to the following Terms and Conditions.



  • Once the reservation is confirmed, the Company shall provide the Customer with a Stripe Payment Link.
  • The Total Rental Amount has to be paid in total amount upon confirming the vehicle’s
  • The Customer shall fill-in the Payment Link and complete the Payment process within the next 24 hours. If the Payment was not processed during this period, the booking request will be automatically cancelled.
  • Customer benefits from a 24 hours free-cancellation. In case of late Cancellation, 3 rental days shall be deducted from the rental paid amount. If the rental period is three days or less, the rental paid amount is not subject to refund.


  • Insurance coverage options are provided to the Customer during the booking process.
  • The Customer is responsible for selecting the appropriate coverage for his needs.
  • Third-party insurance:

In this case, Insurance does not cover the Vehicle, but the damage(s) that may occur to other vehicle(s).

N.B: This insurance does not cover any damage/cut of the tires, windshields and interior of the Vehicle.


  • Fully covered insurance: (by paying an additional 5$/day).

In this case, Insurance covers Vehicle’s body damage(s), as well as damage(s) that may occur to other vehicle(s).

N.B: This Insurance covers cut of the tires. However damaged windshield, windows, interior and bottom of the Vehicle are covered only if a Police report is made.



  • When the Vehicle is delivered, a Deposit Amount of /300/$ (Three Hundred US Dollars) or equivalent in GEL or in any other currency has to be blocked on the Customer’s Credit/Debit Card.
  • The deposit amount shall be released after returning back the Vehicle, as long as all conditions are met.


  • The Customer shall return back the Vehicle in a clean condition.
  • If the Vehicle requires other than ordinary standard cleaning, the Customer shall pay additional cleaning fees necessary to restore the Vehicle to its pre-rental normal condition.


  • Customer shall return the Vehicle with the same fuel level. Failure to comply may result in additional refueling charges.



  • The Customer declares that he/she is physically, mentally, and legally qualified to drive, take control and operate the above-described Vehicle.
  • In case of rental period extension, the Customer shall pay the additional rental amount before the beginning of extended period. Otherwise, the Customer must drop-off the Vehicle immediately, or he will be considered possessing the Vehicle in an illegal way.
  • In the event of breakdown, accident, or mechanical/technical difficulties, the Customer must inform the Company immediately, and provide the Company’s representative with his/her exact location, and act according to his instructions.
  • If for any reason the reserved Vehicle is not available on the delivery date and time (such as in the case of an unexpected accident, technical or mechanical failure, etc.….), the Company preserves the right to provide the Customer with another same-category vehicle.



  • Any valid driving license that includes Latin or Cyrillic alphabet is considered acceptable on Georgian territories. If this is not the case, an international driving license is required.
  • The Customer shall present the original and valid driving license to the Company’s representative when receiving the Vehicle.
  • If the Customer’s national driving license includes two documents, both of them shall be presented to the Company’s representative when collecting the Vehicle.
  • The Vehicle’s driver shall keep the original driving license and passport in his possession throughout the rental period.


The Customer shall not:

  • Allow animals to get into the Vehicle.
  • Use the Vehicle in Sport Activities/Competitions (Including but not limited to race, speed competitions and off-roads activities),
  • Drive the Vehicle in inaccessible place(s),
  • Drive the Vehicle in extreme weather conditions,
  • Use the Vehicle for teaching purposes,
  • Use the Vehicle to push, propel or tow any other vehicle, trailer, animal, or any other object,
  • Use the Vehicle for any illegal activity or purpose(s),
  • Operate the Vehicle in a negligent manner,
  • Consume or be under the impact of alcoholic beverages and/or narcotic substances while driving,
  • Transfer or give control/possession of the Vehicle to any other person,
  • Sublease the Vehicle,
  • Breach Georgian Laws and Regulations.

N.B: The Company reserves the right to terminate the Rental Agreement if the Customer violates one of these restrictions, with no refund provided.


  • At the end of the rental period, or in case the Rental Agreement was terminated, the Customer shall hand-over the Vehicle to the Company with all the setup, additional equipment(s), and accessories, in a good technical condition considering normal depreciation.
  • If the Vehicle was found damaged, the Customer must take full responsibility and compensate the damage.


  • His/her driving license is genuine and original.
  • His/her driving license was not previously confiscated in any country.
  • There is no court decision that deprives him/her from the right to drive.
  • He/she does not have any physical or mental illness/disorder that is an impediment to driving.
  • He/she is above 21 years old and has at least 2 (two) years of driving experience.


  • If the Customer violates any parking or traffic signs, rules or regulations, he/she shall take full responsibility and pay the due amount(s).
  • The Customer is responsible for all toll fees, congestion charges, speeding tickets, Police tickets parking fines, traffic fines, and all associated administration costs that may occur.


  • The Vehicle must be returned at the agreed and determined location on time.
  • If for any reason the return time is delayed, additional charges may occur.
  • In case of a late drop-off, the Customer should inform the Company of the new return time, at least 2 hours in advance, and ask for his/her approval and confirmation.
  • If the Customer wants to change the Drop-off location, he/she must inform the Company’s representative at least 24 hours in advance, and ask for his approval and confirmation.
  • An early Vehicle return is not subject to any refund.


  • Taxes;
  • Unlimited mileage;
  • Third-Party Insurance Coverage or Full Insurance (If the insurance coverage was upgraded by paying an additional 5$/day).


Crossing international Georgian borders is completely prohibited during the Vehicle rental period.


The Customer must:

  • Preserve the Vehicle from theft, damages and keep it safe;
  • Preserve the Vehicle and return it in the same mechanical, physical and technical condition as it was when he/she received it,
  • Return the Vehicle in a clean condition,

Immediately notify the Company if the Vehicle is damaged;